


The Patient and Caregiver Registry Portal is open for applications as of January 1, 2025. You can access the portal here​

In order for an individual to be eligible for a qualified patient registry ID card in Kentucky (including in-state qualified patient, minor qualified pat​ient, and visiting qualified patient applicants), they must be diagnosed with one (1) of the following qualifying medical conditions:​

  • ​Any type or form of cancer;
  • Chronic or severe pain;
  • Epilepsy or other intractable seizure disorder; 
  • Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity;
  • Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome; or
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder. 

​The Program has also issued a Qualified Patient & Designated Caregiver Guide. This Guide will assist individuals interested in becoming cardholders in the Commonwealth of Kentucky with applying for a medical cannabis card. The Guide will walk applicants through the steps to register, including the required information and documents they will need to complete the card application process. ​​You can find additional resources here. ​

​​​​Upcoming Events for Patients

The Office of Medical Cannabis is hosting a series of webinars​ for how potential patients and caregivers can become medical cannabis cardholders in 2025. You can view and sign up for the webinars below. 

For more information on the details of the patient and caregiver regulations, please see the infographics and tables provided below.


​Application Fees and Sample Cards​

Supply Limits and Transportation

​​​Packages for medical cannabis products cultivated, processed, produced, tested, and sold in the Commonwealth will have the standardized symbol below indicating that the products contain THC and were made and sold by licensed cannabis businesses in Kentucky. ​

Review the resources below to learn more:

Qualified Patient & Desig​nated Caregiver G​uide​​​

In-State Patient - Quick Reference Guide

Designated Caregiver - Quick Reference Guide

Minor Patient - Quick Reference Guide

Visiting Patient - Quick Reference Guide​​

​Common FAQs

  • Be a resident of Kentucky.
  • Have not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense.
  • Have one (1) of the qualifying medical conditions, which are:
    • Any type or form of cancer regardless of stage;
    • Chronic, severe, intractable, or debilitating pain;
    • Epilepsy or any other intractable seizure disorder;
    • Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity;
    • Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome that has proven resistant to other conventional medical treatments; and
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Visit an authorized medical cannabis practitioner and receive a written certification to use medical cannabis.

  • Yes, patients under 18 can use medical cannabis in Kentucky if they meet the following criteria:
    • Are a resident of Kentucky, have a qualifying medical condition and obtained a written certification from a registered medical practitioner to use medical cannabis, and has not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense.
    • Obtained additional documentation of a diagnosis of a qualifying medical condition from a practitioner other than the medical cannabis practitioner who provided the written certification.
    • Have a custodial parent or legal guardian who agrees in writing to allow the minor patient to use medical cannabis, serve as their designated caregiver, and control the acquisition, dosage, and frequency of use of medical cannabis.
  • Once patients under 18 meet these criteria, they can follow the same steps as a registered qualified patient to obtain a medical cannabis card in Kentucky. This includes submitting the required application, documentation, and fee to the program.
  • Patients under 18 should also check with their schools regarding any specific restrictions or policies related to the possession and use of medical cannabis on school premises.
  • Further, SB 47 only allows cardholders over the age of 21 to purchase products intended for consumption by vaporizing.​

  • ​Medical cannabis practitioners may begin writing written certifications for patients beginning December 1, 2024.

  • A bona fide practitioner-patient relationship, as defined by KRS 218B.010(1), means a treating or consulting relationship, where the medical cannabis practitioner has:
    • Completed an initial in-person visit with the patient;
    • Consulted the patient on possible medical, therapeutic, and palliative properties of medical cannabis;
    • Advised the patient of the possible risks and side effects of medical cannabis, including possible interactions between medical cannabis and other medications the patient is taking at that time; and
    • Established an expectation that the medical practitioner will provide follow-up care and treatment.
  • After the initial in-person visit, a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship can be maintained via telehealth. ​

  • The program anticipates that medical cannabis products will be available for purchase at licensed dispensaries in 2025. ​​

  • One (1) year, unless the medical cannabis practitioner w​ho issued the written certification indicates that the expiration date needs to be earlier.​

  • An uninterrupted ​thirty (30) day supply of medical cannabis for cardholders consists of 112 grams of raw plant material, 28 grams of concentrate, or 3,900 milligrams of THC infused into a medical cannabis product such as an edible.  An uninterrupted ten (10) day supply of medical cannabis for cardholders consists of 37.5 grams of raw plant material, 9.5 grams of concentrate, or 1,300 milligrams of THC infused into a medicinal cannabis product.​

  • ​​Allowable medical cannabis products include edibles, oils, tinctures, vapes, and raw plant material. Registered cardholders under 21 years of age may not purchase or use vaping products.
  • Additionally, SB 47 prohibits Kentuckians from consuming raw plant material by smoking. SB 47 also requires that all raw plant materials packaged in the Commonwealth be labeled as “not intended for consumption by smoking."​

  • A designated caregiver must be a resident of Kentucky, at least 21 years old, has not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense, and has agreed to assist no more than three (3) registered, qualified patients.
  • Any person who has been appointed as a guardian, limited guardian, conservator, or limited conservator must also be eligible to be designated as a designated caregiver by the individual for whom they have been appointed as a guardian, limited guardian, conservator, or limited conservator.
  • For minor patients, the custodial parent or legal guardian with responsibility for health care decisions for the qualified patient must serve as the designated caregiver for the minor patient.​

  • Subject to a limited exception in KRS 218B.055(3)(b), a caregiver may only assist up to 3 registered qualified patients at a given time.​​

  • Yes, if you meet the following criteria:
    • You are not a resident of Kentucky or have been a resident for less than 30 days.
    • You are at least 21 years of age.
    • You have not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense.
    • You possess a valid out-of-state registry identification card.
    • You have documentation of having been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition.
  • Once you meet these criteria, you can follow the same steps as a registered qualified patient to obtain a registry identification card in Kentucky. This includes submitting the required application, documentation, and fee to the program. ​

​For all patient and caregiver FAQs, please click here​