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Kentucky Office Of Medical Cannabis
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General Questions
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General Questions
What is medical cannabis?
Medical cannabis, or "marijuana" as it is sometimes referred to, is a prescription-based product from the flowers of the Cannabis sativa L. plant that is used to ease symptoms caused by certain medical conditions.
What is THC?
The cannabis plant has over 100 cannabinoids including THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the primary compound in the cannabis plant and is responsible for most of the physiological effects.
When will medical cannabis products be available for sale in Kentucky?
After January 1, 2025.
What types of medical cannabis products are allowed after of Jan. 1, 2025?
Allowable medical cannabis products include edibles, oils, tinctures, vapes, and raw plant material. SB 47 only allows the purchase of vapes for registered cardholders over the age of 21.
Additionally, SB 47 prohibits Kentuckians from consuming raw plant material by smoking. SB 47 also requires that all raw plant materials packaged in the Commonwealth be labeled as "not intended for consumption by smoking."
Who is eligible for a medical cannabis card?
You must be a resident of Kentucky and either at least 18 years of age or have an assigned caregiver; not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense and have a written certification from a medical practitioner indicating that you have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition and would benefit from the treatment of medical cannabis.
What conditions qualify for medical cannabis treatment?
Any type or form of cancer, regardless of stage;
Chronic or debilitating pain, epilepsy or any other seizure disorder;
Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity;
Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome that has been proven resistant to other conventional medical treatments;
Post-traumatic stress disorder; and,
Any other medical condition or disease that the Kentucky Center for Cannabis determines.
What if I have another medical condition that is not on the list of qualifying medical conditions? Can I still get a medical card?
On December 21, 2023, the Team Kentucky Medical Cannabis Workgroup sent a letter to Kentucky Legislative Leadership recommending the expansion of the current qualifying medical conditions to Kentucky Revised Statutes 218B.010(26), which governs the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program. You can find that letter
On December 21, 2023, the Board of Physicians and Advisors sent a letter to Kentucky Legislative Leadership recommending the expansion of the current qualifying medical conditions to Kentucky Revised Statutes 218B.010(26), which governs the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program. You can find that letter
Will there be age restrictions to become a medical cannabis patient?
Qualified patients under the age of 18 years of age will not be allowed to possess or purchase medical cannabis and may only use medical cannabis with the assistance of a caregiver who is the patient's parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Am I able to travel out-of-state to purchase medical cannabis prior to Jan. 1, 2025?
Please see
Executive Order 2022-798
for more information on obtaining medical cannabis outside of Kentucky.
If I have a current medical card, can I drive with my medical cannabis purchases?
Yes. However, it is important to note that you cannot:
Operate any vehicle or machinery while under the influence of medical cannabis.
Consume medical cannabis while in control of a vehicle or machinery.
Possess medical cannabis that is within arm's reach or requires less than a two-step process to access while operating any machinery or transportation device.
Can I grow my own medical cannabis?
Where can I use medical cannabis?
Medical cannabis use in Kentucky is permitted on or after Jan. 1, 2025, and it's important to be aware of the following key restrictions. Medical card holders may not:
Operate vehicles or machinery while under the influence of medical cannabis.
Keep medical cannabis in arm's reach when operating machinery.
Use medical cannabis if it impairs their ability to perform tasks safely.
Possess or use medical cannabis on school property unless the school's policies allow registered qualified patients to use medical cannabis at school, with the condition that it's administered by a school nurse or appropriate staff.
Possess or use medical cannabis at correctional facilities, or on federal property.
Smoke medical cannabis.
Grow their own medical cannabis without a cannabis business license.
Where will medical cannabis dispensaries be located?
Licensed medical cannabis dispensaries will be located throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Specific dispensary locations will be required to be located further than 1,000 feet of an existing elementary or secondary school or a daycare center and may be subject to additional restrictions by local governments.
What are the possession and purchasing limits for medical cannabis?
Registered qualified patients that have a current medical card can possess a 30-day supply. Designated caregivers that have a current medical card can purchase a 30-day supply for each patient they are assigned to. Visiting qualified patients with a current medical card can purchase a 10-day supply.
Where can I learn more about the law and specific regulations for medical cannabis?
Please visit our Kentucky Medical Cannabis Laws and Regulations page for additional information.
How can I make a complaint?
Once the medical cannabis program has been implemented, you will be able to make a complaint regarding any aspect of the program through this website. Currently, you may submit a comment through the contact us portal, linked
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