Medical Cannabis Practitioners

Medical Cannabis Practitioners

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Medical Cannabis Practitioners

A medical cannabis practitioner, as defined by in KRS 218B.010, "means a physician or an advanced practice registered nurse who is authorized to prescribe controlled substances under KRS 314.042, who is authorized by his or her state licensing board to provide written certifications pursuant to KRS 218B.050."​

​Physicians and advanced practice registered nurses ("APRNs") must be authorized through their respective licensing board in order to register with the Program as a medical cannabis practitioner. You can register as a practitioner through the Practitioner Authorization Registration Portal here​

Upcoming Events

The Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis is providing a webinar series on how physicians licensed through the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure (KBML) and practicing in the Commonwealth can become authorized and register to provide qualified patients with written certifications for medical cannabis. See details below.​

Webinar Series: How Licensed Kentucky Physicians Become Authorized Medical Cannabis Practitioners

  • Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Tuesday, December 3, 2024 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | 12pm-1pm ET | Click here to register.

The Kentucky Office of Medical Cannabis is providing a webinar series on how APRNs licensed through the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) and practicing in the Commonwealth can become authorized and register to provide qualified patients with written certifications for medical cannabis. See details below. 

Webinar Series: How Licensed Kentucky APRNs Become Authorized Medical Cannabis Practitioners 

  • Thursday, October 24, 2024 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Thursday, December 19, 2024 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 12pm-1pm ET 
  • Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 12pm-1pm ET | Click here to register.

How to Become an Authorized Medical Cannabis Practitioner

The Program as provided an Authorized Practitioner Registration Guide to assist prospective and authorized medical cannabis practitioners. The guide provides an overview of the eligibility and application requirements to become authorized medical cannabis practitioners, including step-by-step guidance on the processes for becoming authorized and providing written certifications. It also includes additional resources and information for practitioners on the processes and requirements for qualified patients.

Additional quick references can be found on the Practitioner resources page, which you can find here​.

Medical cannabis practitioners may begin entering written certifications into the practitioner registry on December 1, 2024. Patients will need their written certification, which is valid for 60 days, before applying for a medical cannabis card with the Program. The Program cannot accept applications for medical cannabis cards until January 1, 2025.

2024-07-16 Authorized Practitioners Process Graphic.png

Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure

The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure ("KBML") has promulgated its regulation regarding how physicians may become authorized to write written certifications for the use of medical cannabis. You can read their regulation here​

KBML has opened their application for physicians to become authorized. You can find the application, along with more information, here​. ​​

KBML may suspend or revoke a medical cannabis practitioner's authorization to provide written certifications for the use of medical cannabis and practice license for multiple violations or a serious violation of KRS 218B or administrative regulations promulgated by the Program. 

Kentucky Board of Nursing

The Kentucky Board of Nursing ("KBN") has promulgated its regulation regarding how APRNs may become authorized to write written certifications for the use of medical cannabis. You can read their regulation here​.

KBN has opened their application for APRNs to become authorized. You can find how to apply, along with more information, here​.

KBN may suspend or revoke a medical cannabis practitioner's authorization to provide written certifications for the use of medical cannabis and practice license for multiple violations or a serious violation of KRS 218B or administrative regulations promulgated by the Program. ​

Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program - Requirements

The Program cannot accept applications for medical cannabis cards until January 1, 2025.

The Program has filed 5 regulations regarding patients and caregivers, including the written certification form that medical cannabis practitioners will use. You can find all of the patient and caregiver regulations here. For more information regarding patients and caregivers, please view our Patient and Caregiver webpage. 

Once medical cannabis practitioners are authorized and registered, the Program will provide a list of registered medical cannabis practitioners on this website. ​

For more information about how to write written certifications, please click here​


Authorized Practitioner Registration Guide

Authorizations - Quick Reference Guide

Written Certifications - Quick Reference Guide​​​