

​​​​​​Cannabis Business Licensee Advisories and Resources

​Required Trainings

​The Office has published required trainings for each license type and a training on transporting medical cannabis. 

Please note that every principal, agent, employee, and volunteer of a licensee who has direct contact with cardholders, or physically handles cannabis seeds, seedlings, tissue cultures, clones, mature cannabis plants, medicinal cannabis, or medicinal cannabis products must complete the applicable training for their license type. If a principal, agent, employee, or volunteer is involved in transporting medical cannabis, they must also complete the transporting medical cannabis training

The last page of each training includes a form documenting completion of the applicable training by principals, agents, employees, and volunteers. Licensees are required to retain training participation records of its principals, agents, employees, and volunteers and make them available for inspection by the Office upon request for a period of five (5) years.

Enforcement and Compliance Training - Cultivator Licensee

Enforcement and Compliance Training - Processor Licensee

Enforcement and Compliance Training - Safety Compliance Facility Licensee

Enforcement and Compliance Training - Dispensary Licensee

Enforcement and Compliance Training - Transporting

​Technical Advisories

​​The Office may provide technical advisories to assist licensees in staying compliant with KRS Chapter 218B​ and 915 KAR Chapter 1. You can find these advisories below. 

OMC Technical Advisory 2025-001Guidance re Ingredients Used in Medical Cannabis Products

OMC Technical Advisory 2025-002, Guidance re D​etermining and Documenting Measurement Uncertainty in Medical Cannabis Testing

OMC Technical Advisory 2025-003, Amendment 1, Guidance ​for Dispensary Licensees Required to Change Locations

OMC Technical Advisory 2025-004, Guidance for Cultivator Licensees regarding Calculating Canopy Square Footage

Guidance Documents

Guidance re Disqualifying Felony Offenses under KRS Chapter 218B

Guidance re Provisional Licenses, Change of Location Requests, and Lottery Selection for Dispensary Licenses

How To Guides​

The Office has provided the following How To Guides for business licensees. These guides provide summaries of various rules and restrictions established by 915 KAR Chapter 1​ and KRS Chapter 218B​

​​Medical Cannabis Packaging​​​​​​

Medical Cannabis Packaging - Raw Plant Material

Medical Cannabis Packaging - Concentrates

Medical Cannabis Packaging - Edible Labeling​​

Cannabis Business Advertising

Cannabis Business Security and Surveillance

Cannabis Business Transporting​​

Additional Business Resources​​

Notice re Pesticides and Other Chemical Applications

Kentucky Medical Cannabis Industry Guide to Worker Safety and Health


Medical Cannabis Testing Roadmap

Medical Cannabis Testing Roadmap: Cultivator Testing Requirements

Medical Cannabis Testing Roadmap: Processor Testing Requirements

Medical Cannabis Advisory Pamphlet

The Medical Cannabis Advisory Pamphlet was created in accordance with KRS 218B.140(2)(b) to provide qualified patients and caregivers evidence based educational materials on the risks, dangers, and possible side effects of medical cannabis, as well as to inform patients on how to report potential negative side effects of medical cannabis. The Board of Physicians and Advisors reviewed and voted to approve the Pamphlet at their October 30, 2024 regular meeting. 

Dispensaries licensed by the Office are required by KRS 218B.110(2)(d)(1)(a) to provide cardholders with a copy of the Medical Cannabis Advisory Pamphlet upon dispensing medical cannabis to the cardholders. Dispensaries must retain a signature form with the cardholder’s signature for a minimum of thirty-six (36) months as required by KRS 218B.140(2)(b).

You can view the pamphlet and signature page below. 

Note: when printing the pamphlet, please choose to print double side and choose to “flip on short edge” so it will fold as intended. ​​

​​Cannabis Busine​ss Summary Pages

Cultivator Summary

Processor Summary

Safety Compliance Facility Summary

Dispensary Summary​ 

Other Resources

Notice of initial cannabis business license application availability

Notice re Pesticides and Other Chemical Applications

Kentucky Medical Cannabis Industry Guide to Worker Safety and Health​​

Dispensary Licensing Region Map

Guidance re Disqualifying Felony Offenses under KRS Chapter 218B

Guidance re Provisional Licenses, Change of Location Requests, and Lottery Selection for Dispensary Licenses

Guidance re Documentation of Sufficient Capital

Guidance re Applicants Seeking Clarification of Identified Deficiencies

Notice of initial cannabis business license application availability (Safety Compliance Facility)