
Upcoming Events for Patients

The Office of Medical Cannabis is hosting a series of webinars​ for how potential patients and caregivers can become medical cannabis cardholders in 2025. You can view and sign up for the webinars below. Please view the Patients & Caregivers​ page of our website for more information. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Upcoming Events for Practitioners

The Office of Medical Cannabis is hosting a series of webinars for licensed Kentucky physicians and APRNs on how to become authorized and registered to provide qualified patients with written certifications for medical cannabis. You can see the details h​ere.​​


​As part of his effort to reduce Kentuckians' reliance on addictive opioids and provide them with relief from severe and chronic pain, Gov. Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 47 on March 31, 2023, which legalizes medical cannabis in the commonwealth effective Jan. 1, 2025.

The Office of Medical Cannabis in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services is charged under KRS Chapter 218B with implementing and administering Kentucky's Medical Cannabis Program. 

As of April 18, 2024, the Program has filed 17 regulations establishing the processes and procedures for medical cannabis businesses and registered cardholders.

Regulations regarding cannabis businesses establish how cultivators, processors, producers, safety compliance facilities, and dispensaries will apply, become licensed, and operate in the Commonwealth. Regulations regarding patients, designated caregivers, and practitioners establish the procedures to receive a written certification and a medical cannabis card, supply limits, and procedures to publish a list of varieties of medical cannabis. 

You can read all of the filed regulations here​

We thank you for your interest and look forward to sharing more information as the Office of Medical Cannabis implements this Program.


The Office may provide technical advisories to assist licensees in staying compliant with KRS Chapter 218B and 915 KAR Chapter 1. Please click here to view these advisories. 01/22/2022: Team Kentucy Medical Cannabis Workgroup Meeting Notice01/15/2025: Board of Physicians and Advisors Meeting Notice12/19/2024 Local Government and Law Enforcement Subcommittee Meeting Notice11/13/2024 Healthcare Subcommittee Meeting Notice10/31/2024: Notice of initial cannabis business license application availability (Safety Compliance Facility)10/31/2024: Gov. Beshear provides Team Kentucky Update, Office of Medical Cannabis Announcements10/30/2024: Board of Physicians and Advisors Meeting Notice10/23/2024: Team Kentucy Medical Cannabis Workgroup Meeting Notice09/26/2024: Gov. Beshear Provides Team Kentucky Update, Awards First Medical Cannabis Business License. The initial cannabis business license period is currently closed. Please click here for more information. 09/12/2024 Agriculture & Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting Notice09/05/2024: Gov. Beshear Provides Team Kentucky Update, Update on Cannabis Business Applications and Licensing.SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Please note that the Business Licensing Application portal and Practitioner Registry portal will be offline for scheduled maintenance from September 25, 2024 at 9:00 PM EST to September 26, 2024 at 1:00 AM EST. MESSAGE TO PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS APPLICANTS: If you have an application ready for submission, please submit by August 15, 2024 in order to allow the Office sufficient time to process applications and maintain existing timeframes for license issuance.